Well, it's time to start breaking up these banks and financial services companies that are "too big to fail," pull then apart and sell off the pieces. Look at what happened to the telephone industry when ATT's monopoly was dismantled? Our cell phones and computers and the modern age of communication. That is how it should be with banking and financial services. The more consolidation, the less competition there will be and we will all be hurt by it. It will breed more conflicts that can't be avoided in major transactions, and more corruption in the system.
Unfortunately, as Michael Moore rightfully points out in his new movie "Capitalism - a love story", our treasury department is being run by Goldman Sachs and its progeny, not people who are concerned about us little folk, just the titans of Wall Street and their friends, as it has been for 30 years, and the gap between rich and poor in this country keeps growing, until we will soon represent a 2d or 3d world country, back to where we were before FDR. Not too big on conspiracy theories but makes me wonder, isn't that the plan in certain parties and groups, to undo the New Deal?
Anti-trust, because we can't trust the powers that be to do the right thing.
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