Thursday, February 11, 2010

In memorium

I don't think I ever got the RIP part of death. Does someone really rest in peace? What happens to your mind, energy, spirit? These are the things I always have wondered about death. Having sat with my father while he peacefully expired, I can't say that I know any more of the answers but I totally understand the concept of resting in peace.

For the last fourteen months, to watch him fight every day to live, to overcome the challenges facing him after a stroke, he was not at peace. Rather, he was tortured, at the loss of his independence, no longer able to drive, or work, or dress himself, use the bathroom by himself, all the little things we all take for granted once we reach the age of 4.

Watching him as the process of death took over, as the hospice care workers tended to him and made sure he did not suffer, it was sad, but in so many ways a relief as he took he last breath and peacefully expired.

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