The more bizarre the claims made become, the more frightened everyone becomes and nothing gets done. There is no science in any of the claims, or true expert advise and studies, just allegations and claims. Can't we just find some common ground, agree on the issues to get resolved that everyone agrees are the issues, and work toward those common goals? Isn't the point of public service to serve the public and your country, not your party and some corporation?
On the list of major issues:
1. jobs
2. economic growth
3. climate change and world population growth
4. potential water shortages
5. health care
6. senior care of aging population
7. transitioning economy to 2100 so we can gear our education system to those goals
8. the affect of corporate money on elections
9. energy independence
10. our tax structure - meaning where people are paying taxes but corporations are not.
11. Immigration reform - big and difficult issue.
12. How developing economies - specifically China and India - are affecting ours and what do we do about it?
People tell me I should be running for office, but it is too polarizing out there.
I watch what is going on the Middle East and am concerned, feeling as though I live in some Orwellian world where black is white and white is black, or so the government tells us, as they monitor our telephones and internet without warrants. Isn't it all just too big brother? Maybe it is not 1984, but certainly by 2004, we had arrived. We were at war with Afghanistan and then Iraq,but why we were in the wars kept changing. Isn't it all really about the oil?
If we truly believe in spreading democracy, isn't one of the fastest ways is for us to become energy independent, so we are not supporting and propping up petro-dictators?
Weren't we supposed to be the moral leaders of the world and not torture people and show them the way to better living by example, morally, scientifically, personally? Lead by example? What ever happened to that?
I do believe that we have forgotten service to our country and responsibility to others. Perhaps instituting a requirement, as many countries have, that all students, after finishing high school, either serve a term in the military to volunteer for public service for one or two years. Maybe that would hurt colleges in some temporary way, but ultimately, won't it help this country. And we can all agree that we need major help. to find the common ground, get our feet on it, and stop swirling.
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