Monday, July 11, 2011

Remembering Betty Ford

When she died this week, I felt rather sad, remembering her, having met her only one time. I had just moved to California and was getting acclimated, including getting situated with AA meetings. At one women's meeting, I happened to meet a photographer who had worked in the Ford White House, an alum of the Betty Ford clinic, and as an apprentice for a very famous photographer. After I was done with the bar examination she mentioned to me that she needed some assistance carrying her camera bags to a Betty Ford event, it was an all day seminar in Santa Monica, where the former First Lady would appear and speak. It was on behalf of her foundation that this event was occurring to assist those who were accredited addiction counselors get their Continuing ed credits.

So, I spent the day carrying camera bags and attending the program which was wonderful, meeting dynamic and exciting women, and having the opportunity to hear Betty Ford tell her inspiring story of addiction and recovery. At the end of the day we were allowed back stage for photographs and speaking with her and her secret service detail, who clearly adored working for her and her husband. It was a memorable day with a class act. She will be missed by many whose lives she touched and saved.

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