Monday, June 1, 2009

G-d - And those who claim act on G-d's behalf

Last night an alleged Christian killed a licensed physician who performed a legal medical procedure - late term abortions.  Not only did this murderer kill this doctor and father of four, but did so in a church - a house of worship.  This is nonsensical.  It is as wrong as any religious extremist is who kills in the name of G-d.  

A higher power, that is how I perceive G-d.  Certainly all-knowing, somewhat loving, but not loving without limit, not really unconditional love.  I contemplate this issue even more right now with so many things happening in the world, heinous acts perpetrated in G-d's name.  
As I approach the 21st anniversary of my last drink on June 3, I recall struggling with concepts of G-d, spirituality and religion.  The spiritual journey that I embarked on so long ago.  The evolution of learning, practice and thought.  

One of the most meaningful descriptions was a woman I met who told me that her view of G-d came from the song "they called the wind Mariah".  She described how she viewed G-d as the wind and when she was acting properly the wind was act her back, but when she was headed in the wrong direction, she felt as though she had the wind blowing in her face, fighting against it.  Isn't that how we all feel so many times when things are going wrong in our lives?  
Another woman I met suffered from schizophrenia but loved trees.  She worshipped them as though she was a Druid.  I learned that spirituality is more pure than religion because when I view history through the prism of religion, and current events, acts and reactions of peoples and countries become so distorted through their use of G-d and religion to justify their actions. Particularly when their actions are purely about exercising power domination and control over others, to cover up inherent insecurities and uncertainties.  In other words, to hide fear. 

Extremism is extremism, no matter its origins or attempts at justification.  Hate is hate. 
As a former hate crimes prosecutor, the twisted logic that extremists use to justify their actions is interesting but fails for the reason that all extremism fails.  At some point the majority will get past their fear, and their fear of fear, and recognize the hate and extremism for what it is.  It is always attempts to deflect attention what the perpetrators (be they politicians, religious leaders, or warriors) are really attempting to achieve - power, domination and control.  To make people too afraid to ask questions, to challenge those in power and authority.  

To have us be a bunch of sheep, late at night, listening to noises in the dark, and the powers that be, the leaders of the flock are telling us that the noises are really wolves coming in for the attack, even though the wolves are not howling, and we have herd dogs to guard us.  At some point we must learn from history and not continue to repeat these mistakes and allow the pendulum to swing toward these religious extremes.  


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