Thursday, September 17, 2009

Dejas vous all over again?

Every September, that is how it feels to me. All the years of school behind me, as Labor Day approaches and then passes through all the memories of first days of school, seeing friends after a long summer break, returning home after a summer away at camp, and feeling the sadness of the days gone by, friends who have passed away and are no longer around to share the memories with. It feels as though a whole part of my life is gone with those deaths, as they were keepers of the memories, sometimes ones I had forgotten until they revived some obscure tale from our childhood. No one to share the new memories with.

The new memories of my son's school years, new clothes, running for school supplies the school didn't tell us we needed until after school starts and the supplies can no longer be found, bus problems, class problems, and on and on. Hoping that when he reaches middle-age that he will be able to look back on these days with fondness, and some sadness that these days too have passed by, but has the opportunity to create new memories with his children.

Always, as September begins and ages, I find myself delving in my closets and drawers to find my cooler weather clothes, like finding lost friends that I had forgotten about, my beautiful silk scarves that I wear all winter to liven up my boring lawyer suits, and my shoes and boots and jackets and coats, and say goodbye to summer and summer clothes until next year. Can 2010 really be only 3 months away?

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