The last few years it has become increasingly worse. To stand in line with children at a supermarket or Target and be forced to listen to someone using endless profanity as if they were in their living room, or in an r-rated movie or on HBO. When asking them to stop swearing in front of my children, sometimes they will look at me as if I had two heads, but then the light will go on "oh" realizing that their conduct is not appropriate. Other times my simple request will be met with more virulent profanity.
It has become so commonplace to be rude, to use profanity, to show disrespect to others, it is a sad commentary on our democracy. To me, the heart of democracy is to show respect to others, even when you disagree with them. As an attorney when I am in court, I may strongly disagree with my adversary or the judge, but I must show them respect. I cannot call them a traitor, a socialist, a communist, Hitler, or even that they lie. I do not interrupt them. Listening and showing respect to others seems to be dying skills and art.
Watching Kanye West and Joe Wilson made me think if children in kindergarten who probably behave better then our public figures and those at the teabag protests. What I see is no different than school yard bullies who think they can take control through fear and intimidation while the media acts as any bystander does in a bullying situation, doing nothing and allowing it to continue rather than stepping in and stopping it Call it what it is and end it.
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