That I am supposed to act, or dress, or look a certain way, by whose set of standards and expectations?
Isn't 50 supposed to be all about grey hair and feeling old, or at least that is what it was when I was a child, or even when I was 25. But now, who is 50 - Madonna? She is weird with her diet and whose knows how much plastic surgery, but look at her. Dara Torres, the Olympic swimmer at 42 - her body is amazing. So what is 50, not how I feel or look. Definitely not my state of mind. But certainly wondering and searching for the real meaning of my life, why am I here? What am I supposed to accomplish with my time here because my time is running out, and where is it all headed?
Yes, a real mid-life crisis, and I loudly proclaim that I reject the number 50.
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