Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Queen for a day

If I were queen for a day I would:

1. nationalize the banking system, clean it up, shut down the insolvent banks, sell off assets and be done with it.

2. nationalize health insurance, pay physicians reasonable salaries and cancel their student loans, pay incentives for medical students to specialize in under served specialties, agree to pay hospitals reasonable fees for services, and be subject to penalties for mistakes and infections.

3. change all laws and constitutional requirements stating who is a citizen at birth. Thus, if one of your parents cannot show citizenship or legal residence when you are born here, you will not be a citizen.

4. requiring all new roofs to contain solar elements to reduce energy consumption, requiring all new roofs to be white, requiring homes to have small windmills to assist in energy use with battery backups for both the windmills and solar, along with financial assistance to add these systems (10 year roll out).

5. all new homes to have water cisterns and grey water systems, and existing homes to add water cisterns with same financial assistance to add as above.

6. invest in smart grid technology, and google's smart metering so we can track our energy use and learn to conserve.

7. end both wars in middle east which would pay for everything else I would like to do

8. institute a draft which will be an insurance policy against easily entering any future wars (with no exemptions for the rich and privileged). for example if someone is medically unfit for active duty, they would be required to engage in some form of public service at the same pay grade or desk duty for the military.

9. fix social security by removing any income limits. just a flat tax no matter your earnings.

10. higher taxes on wealthy, VAT tax like in europe on luxury merchandise, 1% national sales tax for five years to pay down deficit and pay for transition in economy to nationalized health insurance and reduction in energy use (but not on necessities - clothes, food, TP).

11. outlaw putting corn syrup in food. if the corn producers need to sell their product they can turn it into ethanol rather than our food to make us fatter. too much sugar in every processed food. read the labels.

12. outlaw selling cars/suvs which have MPG of less than 30 within 5 years.

13. outlaw selling of regular water heaters and require upon their replacement conversion to tankless hot water heaters (with financial assistance via tax credits)

14. expand grants to improve efficiency.

Oh, if only I were queen for a day. It would be long, but it would change the world.

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